Form 2 “National Security and Me” Guangzhou and Shenzhen 2-day Study Trip
All Form 2 students recently embarked on a meaningful two-day study tour on 18 and 19 Oct, which was organized by Social Seed (社企苗) and Dynamic Youth of Greater Bay Area (大灣區青年新動力). This exchange tour aimed to engage students in experiential activities related to national security and broaden their perspectives.
During the trip, students had the privilege of visiting various locations in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, including Jinan University, the Sinopec South China Safety Training Base, the Shenzhen Red Cube Science and Technology Museum, the Shenzhen Aerospace Agriculture Science and Technology Demonstration Park, and a production facility specializing in microchips.
Through these enriching experiences, it is hoped that students gain a deeper understanding of national security, science, and technology, fostering a stronger sense of responsibility toward their country.